Football Championship Day. Rivals for decades. Ready for the next deciding battle.
Your team captain arrives that morning in a
luxe blond wig, eyelash extensions, red lipstick, and a pearl necklace. His full-pleated skirt falling at the knee could have been Justin Beiber’s last red carpet look.
Is he joking? Is he mocking? What is statement is he making at this final, crucial hour?
Your decision: is he allowed to play in the championship game if he just broke all your dress code policies? What is your policy about dress, defiance, and free speech? If you don’t allow him to play, what type/severity of backlash, protest, or support do you predict would occur from the community?
If you come up with a policy on the spot, will it be perceived as biased or targeted?
Option: Join your colleagues to discuss. Learn from law and policy. Then evaluate and apply. Just 5 comprehensive 1-hour sessions
from June 12-16 with discussion sessions.
Issues of Gender Identity & Expression face K-12 schools and higher ed alike. Learn about the experiences of
the next wave of students coming to your institution. Garner insight into inclusive policies and campus spaces.